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Programming Is The Most Important Skill For A Hacker - Why ?

♠ Posted by Unknown in at 19:42:00
Become a hacker by learning programming. For becoming hacker you need programming and here is discussion on Programming Is The Most Important Skill For A Hacker - Why ? If we go through the word “Hacker” , this will describe you the thing related to technical knowledge and skills to solve difficult and impossible problems. In the today’s world, hacker means a lot. Hackers belong to the body that finds its roots and back to the first ARPANET and the invention of INTERNET. They were the ones who discover WORLD WIDE WEB and continue to make this world a better place.
If you want to become a powerful hacker, you must owe to the culture of hacker. it includes apllying hacker attitude to other things.

 Programming is the most important skill for hackers - Why ?

Everyone can be a master in a programming language. Mastering in Programming Language is a very big deal that allows you to be self-dependent and gives you the knowledge to deal with the working of programs to utilize them in a easy way. Even if utilization development is done in the assembly language in debuggers, it is useful to learn the functioning of a program.

This will help you to write your own utilization in C/C++ and discard the frameworks like Metaploit. Learning programming gives you the power to create your own custom malware making for an antivirus softeare to detect .
Its a easy task to use hacking tools as most of the hacking tools are freely available and even they are open source so it is a easy task to use them if you are good in programming.
So, before we start with the basics of hacking, learn to code and create a solid foundation.Here are some basic fundamental programming languages:


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